Our Dams
Bernedoodle Moms
BECCA is our largest mom in our breeding program and she weighs approx. 58 lbs. She has a gorgeous Tri Color coat with the stunning Blue Merle pattern. She is a super fun, loving and playful girl that always keeps us laughing with her clown-like personality.
PORSHA is one of our Miniature moms and weighs approx 34 lbs. She has a beautiful wavy fleece coat and also has the Tri Color markings with the Blue Merle pattern. She is a very affectionate, loving dog with the sweetest personality.
REESE and CORA are our smallest moms in our breeding program and are considered more "Micro Size" being under 30 lbs. Both have the Traditional Tri Color Black/tan/white markings. Reese has a Wavy Fleece coat while Cora has the more Curly type coat. Both girls are very athletic, energetic and playful.
LILY is one of our older Mini moms who lives with a dear friend of ours. She visits us during her heat cycles to be bred and again to whelp and rear her puppies. She weighs around 30 lbs and has the most beautiful Black-White fleece coat with pretty tuxedo markings. Being more mature than our younger Bernedoodle moms, she has a quiet, calm demeanor about her and is so sweet and loving.
Current Bernedoodle Litters
Planned Bernedoodle Litters
CORA is in season and is paired with MAX for Mini size Multigen Teddy Bear Bernedoodles. We are expecting all Traditional Tri Color Black/White/Tan. Expect to see Fleece coats in this litter as well. Possibly puppies ready to go by Christmas!
Smaller Mini Bernedoodles possibly coming in October. Expecting Brown/Chocolate Traditional Tri and Merle Tri. Estimate 20-30 lb range.
NOTE: If you are wanting to join on our list but are concerned about vacation or
holiday plans getting in the way, no worries... we can accommodate you at no additional cost!
Australian Bernedoodle Moms
BRANDY and PHOENIX are full sisters and they are currently the only two Australian Bernedoodle Dams we have in our breeding program. Both girls have the stunning fleece coat types, typical to the Australian Bernedoodle cross. Brandy's coat color is a Chocolate Tri color with the gorgeous Merle pattern. Phoenix
has the pretty chocolate color coat with tan points called a Phantom pattern. They are both medium in size with a nice square, stocky builds. Both girls have amazing personalities and are very loving, laid-back and affectionate.
Planned Australian Bernedoodle Litters
PHOENIX is due to have Australian Bernedoodle puppies in October.
BRANDY is due to come in season most anytime!
NOTE: If you are wanting to join on our list but are concerned about getting a puppy around vacation or
holiday plans getting in the way, no worries... we can work accommodate you at no additional cost!